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We've sold 1000+ premium Framer templates and are a verified top creator. But what do our customers say?

David Alex

"Perfect for my use case and actually built thoroughly. Many templates are built half-hearted. I've bought tons of templates for client projects and my own and this template was perfect and utilized the best features of Framer. "


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"Great template 👏"


"Beautifully organized design and great support."


"Super clean and easy to use! Helped me upstart my portfolio and would totally recommend :) "


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Manali Panchal

"Its simple to navigate and no extra elements makes it perfect!"

Daniel de Paola

"I'm launching my design course, and Cedric's CourseOS was the perfect choice. Using Framer + Outseta is perfect. No need a 3rd party platform. I can controll every single piece of my content, payments, and the best past? I don't need to pay extra fees other than Outseta."

Earn up to $149.70 per Sale as a Canvas Supply Affiliate

Promote our templates and earn real money! Canvas offers a very lucrative affiliate program that let's you get 20-30% of our revenue!

Earn up to $149.70 per Sale as a Canvas Supply Affiliate

Promote our templates and earn real money! Canvas offers a very lucrative affiliate program that let's you get 20-30% of our revenue!

Earn up to $149.70 per Sale as a Canvas Supply Affiliate

Promote our templates and earn real money! Canvas offers a very lucrative affiliate program that let's you get 20-30% of our revenue!